An article examined the development of corporate social performance as a concept, explained why it had failed to develop strong theoretical foundations and empirical validity, and offered possible routes for future research.
Source: Jean-Pascal Gond and Andrew Crane, 'Corporate social performance disoriented: saving the lost paradigm?', Business and Society, Volume 49 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2010-Dec
The coalition government launched a review designed to consider whether there were failures in corporate governance and the markets. It would examine issues including: the problems of 'short-termism', investor engagement, directors' remuneration, and the economic case for takeovers.
Source: A Long-Term Focus for Corporate Britain: A call for evidence, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Links: Call for evidence | Hansard | DBIS press release | CBI press release | IOD press release | Liberal Democrats press release | TUC press release | People Management report | Guardian report | Personnel Today report
Date: 2010-Oct
An article called for a 'remoralized' concept of corporate social responsibility that embedded economic activity in social relations.
Source: Simon Brooks, 'CSR and the strait-jacket of economic rationality', International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Volume 30 Issue 11/12
Links: Abstract
Date: 2010-Oct
An article examined how the 'conceptual lens' of corporate social responsibility and civil society could be used to explore less popular causes such as initiatives with offenders.
Source: Carole Parkes, Judy Scully and Susan Anson, 'CSR and the "undeserving": a role for the state, civil society and business?', International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Volume 30 Issue 11/12
Links: Abstract
Date: 2010-Oct
An official advisory body began consultation on proposals to reduce the number of criminal offences used by government departments and agencies in regulated fields such as food safety and banking. It said that it was 'out of proportion' for regulators to rely wholly on the criminal law to punish and deter activities that were merely 'risky', unless the risk involved was a serious one.
Source: Criminal Liability in Regulatory Contexts: A Consultation Paper, LC 195, Law Commission
Links: Consultation document | Law Commission press release
Date: 2010-Aug
The government began consultation on proposals to improve the quality of company reporting, and thereby enable stronger and more effective shareholder engagement.
Source: The Future of Narrative Reporting: A consultation, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Links: Consultation document | DBIS press release | UKGBC press release
Date: 2010-Aug
A study found that unhealthy drinking accounted for 55-82 per cent (depending on definition) of total consumption by those aged 18-64. It considered the implications for claims by the drinks industry that it was interested in promoting sensible drinking.
Source: Ben Baumberg, Conflict of Interest in the Alcoholic Drinks Industry: How important are 'unhealthy drinkers' in total UK consumption?, Institute of Alcohol Studies
Links: Paper | Alcohol Policy press release
Date: 2010-Jun
The new Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government announced an action plan designed to stop 'excessive' regulation that was 'stifling' business growth, especially of small businesses. It set up a new committee – the Reducing Regulation Committee – to oversee the plan. There would be an immediate review of all regulation in the pipeline for implementation that had been inherited from the previous government.
Source: Press release 2 June 2010, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Links: DBIS press release | CBI press release | FSB press release | BCC press release
Date: 2010-Jun
A report called for 'profound reform' of the banking system designed to put ordinary people and society at its heart. Proposals included: reforms to help ensure the safety of depositors' money; the introduction of new rules to make banks responsible for meeting consumers' needs; and the creation of a healthy, professional, and ethical culture in financial services.
Source: The Future of Banking Commission, Consumers' Association
Links: Report | Consumers Association press release | BCC press release | NEF press release | BBC report | Guardian report
Date: 2010-Jun
A new corporate governance code was published, designed to help company boards became more effective and more accountable to their shareholders. It recommended that, in the interests of greater accountability, all directors of the largest public ('FTSE 350') companies should be subject to annual re-election.
Source: The UK Corporate Governance Code, Financial Reporting Council
Links: Code | FRC press release | DBIS press release | CBI press release | IOD press release
Date: 2010-May
An official advisory body set out principles designed to guide courts in dealing with companies and organizations that caused death through a gross breach of care, or where breaches of health and safety requirements were a significant cause of death.
Source: Corporate Manslaughter & Health and Safety Offences Causing Death: Definitive Guideline, Sentencing Guidelines Council
Links: Guidelines
Date: 2010-Feb
The Financial Services Bill was given a third reading. The Bill was designed to give the Financial Services Authority powers to void contracts signed by bankers and their employers after 1 January 2010 if it believed that the pay structures encouraged the individual to take too much risk. The Bill would also give the FSA powers to impose a new levy on banks to pay for a consumer protection agency. Consumers would be given the right for the first time to take 'class action' law suits in cases of large-scale mis-selling of financial products.
Source: Financial Services Bill, HM Treasury/TSO | Debate 25 January 2010, columns 555-648, House of Commons Hansard/TSO
Links: Text of Bill | Explanatory notes | Hansard | CBI press release
Date: 2010-Jan